Sunday, February 22, 2009

Live Longer With Less Stress - Time Distortion

It has come to the StressFishes attention that if you want to live longer, and stay younger for as long as possible, you need to de-stress.

And that's not really about the usual health risks associated with stress - premature grey hair, heart attacks, sagging, impotence and all that malaky.

No - what I'm talking about here is subjective time, and time distortion.

Have you ever heard people say, "When I was a kid, a week seem to last forever. Now that I'm 50, time just seems to flash by so fast!"

Yeah - that would be subjective time, or time distortion at work.

When you're stressed, things speed up.

Subjective time becomes shorter.

This is bad news on many different levels.

For one, your response time becomes shorter - you don't have the time to respond right, or get everything done that needs to be done.

Not because there's not enough time, but because what there is has been distorted into a kind of fast forward mode.

This is a direct effect of stress, and has a direct cause and effect relationship with stress, meaning that the more stressed you are, the faster time starts to run.

Which leads to feeling out of control, that there isn't enough time, that you're constantly running at full speed but never getting anywhere, and that creates even more stress all around.

So what is to be done?

It's simple.

As soon as you notice that there doesn't seem to be enough time, you need to STOP.

STOP and employ one of the many, many de-stressing techniques there are available, on the spot. Many only take SECONDS and you can feel the stress ebbing away.

At the same time, notice that your vision expands - you're getting your periphery back - the colours are getting brighter, objects are more sharply defined and clearer; you become aware of sounds that you didn't hear before, and, most importantly, TIME SLOWS RIGHT DOWN.

Now there's plenty of time all of a sudden to react quickly to what needs to be done, and to see what is important to do.

Now, things that were difficult become easier and often, difficulties simply disappear altogether.

Every time you de-stress, you GAIN LIFE TIME.

Both ways - health wise a few extra seconds of living are gained, and in subjective time, which is our memories and eventually, all of time we actually know as human beings.

So remember when time seems to run away from you, or simply if you want to make the most of your time of life, DE-STRESS.

Not at the end of the day, or once a year on holiday, but LITTLE DE-STRESSING HOLIDAYS inside of the days themselves.

That's what slows down time for you and leads in every way to a much better life all around.

"Time is my friend."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have read several articles about stress, I find it very interesting that when one is stressed not only have an illness, but that things and time to you spend a lot faster, stress is a very common disease in many people a product of different activities of the day, to help combat stress and that stress does not affect your sex life can consume buy viagra, it helps a lot.

  3. Dear StressFish,

    I'm really glad to read your Money Stress Tips today, because I'm stressed out about money recently, well almost every month. I actually already was thinking about money stress tip 1, diverging my thoughts to something else, like to think something positive so I would not lose sense. But your examples helped me more, now, whenever I feel money stress, I'll just think of my college days, when I was content to have just my allowance everyday and to work hard on projects and school responsibilities without getting paid. I was able to survive those days. Is this an effective thought? For now, well see how long will it last. Talking to someone is a good idea too. I talk to my husband most of the time. The last tip is unexpected but it's true. Not forgiving yourself will just make the stress worse.

    I actually came across from this blog, which has plenty of enjoyable articles about the journey of StressFish. That's a catchy name, you know? ;-) This is my favorite article here, time-distortion.

    Anyway, because of the focus of your main site and blog on stress, I thought I might suggest to you an article that has list of Stress Facts as a new read and a possible addition to your resources and links.
    If interested, you can read the article here:

    Knowing facts about stress will help us want more not to have stress. I believe you and your readers will enjoy knowing the Stress facts on this list.

    Let me know if you have any questions about the facts listed. I appreciate your time and I hope to hear back from you soon.


    Random Facts

  4. Dear StressFish,
    I really like reading your blog and in particular this very article. I also think that we should learn to appreciate our time more and stop worrying about small deeds. Knowing more facts about stress actually helps me remove the stress from my life. And when I add a scented candle with a proper, relaxing essential oil in it, I can just sit and enjoy my life

